Conferences are scheduled for Monday, November 1st, and Wednesday, November 3rd from 5:00 P.M. until 8:00 P.M.
With moving Conference last year to an all-virtual format, we found a significant increase in the number of families we were able to meet with and discuss their child’s progress in our classes. Therefore, for our Fall Conferences, we are resuming the virtual format.
Each of our teachers on the 7-12 campus are listed by Department with each of their respective classes. To sign up for a Conference slot, click the link next to the teacher’s name, labeled “Click here to schedule a conference”. You will then be directed to a tab on the bottom of the Google Sheet with the teacher’s available time slots. After you have signed up for a time block, you may click the link at the top of the sheet labeled “Click here to go back to the Main Page to select another teacher”. Links to video conferencing will be posted to each teacher’s tab by the night of our first conferences.
If you have any questions, please contact the 7-12 Campus’ Main Office at (269) 488-7350.
You may sign up for this week's Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences by clicking here.

Fall 2021 Parent Teacher Conferences
November 1, 2021