Schoolcraft Boys Bowling hit Jax 60 in Jackson for the Division 4 regional. Congratulations to Max Desmond finishing 3rd place out of 80 individual Bowlers and Kyle Fleck for finishing in 5th place. Both Bowlers will now head to Canton MI next Saturday to compete for the state Championship. The team finished in 3rd place overall, normally 3rd place goes to team state, this year due to COVID the MHSAA decided to cut the field to the top 2 teams. The boys shot 3328 they were just 36 pins behind Hackett 2nd place finisher 3362. Homer won the Regional championship shooting 3465. The team consists of seniors Max Desmond, Kyle Fleck, Brian Crofoot, Zach McGill, Simon Sheen, Shaun Sampsell and Ian McDonald. Tomorrow Saturday the 20th it will be the Girls turn to compete for their shot at going to state.

Division 4 Bowling Regionals
March 20, 2021