Monday, November 2, 2020
Dear SHS Families,
Just as we have made adjustments in our daily lives of late, we are joining Schoolcraft Elementary and Middle Schools in conducting Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences virtually. On behalf of the staff at SHS, we appreciate your flexibility in making this transition and we certainly hope this alternative format allows you to receive a current update on your child(ren)’s progress following the first nine weeks of the school year.
In order to reserve a time slot for Conferences on either November 4th or 5th between 5 P.M. and 8 P.M., please access the Google Sheet by clicking here. The first sheet contains each of our teacher’s listed by their academic Department. In some instances, teachers instruct in multiple Departments and are listed in multiple areas. Each course the teacher teaches is also listed. We created a video to walk you through the Conference scheduling and Zoom attendance portion of Conferences this year. Please view the video by clicking here.
Student grades for the first quarter will be posted to ParentVue by the morning of Wednesday, November 4, 2020.
If you are unable to have all of your questions adequately addressed during your Conference, you are more than welcomed to contact your child(ren)’s teachers for additional conversation time. We understand with the transition we have made regarding our different learning models, you might have additional questions. Please do not let your questions go unaddressed or responded. Our staff want to support your child’s engagement with their academic learning this year and will continue to work through any questions or concerns that might arise.
We look forward to your virtual attendance at Conferences this year. If we can be of any assistance, do not hesitate to contact the High School Main Office at (269) 488-7350.
With best regards,
Matthew J. Dailey, Principal
You may view an electronic version if this letter by clicking here.