Monday, August 31, 2020
Dear SHS Families,
The button on Synergy has been pressed for students to take a first view of their 2020-2021 schedule. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we organized our student schedules and took unique requests into consideration to align High School students schedules with their siblings at the Middle School and Elementary School.
Given how Synergy articulates with our teacher’s Google Classrooms, students should base their academic schedule off of what they see in Synergy’s Student Vue and not the email update they received about joining a Google Classroom.
Students have been assigned either a Purple Day (Tuesday/Thursday) or Gold Day (Wednesday/Friday) schedule. Since our scheduling system was created for a pre-COVID-19 world, students need to check their school-issued email account to receive notification of the days they are assigned for in-person learning. Students will receive a printed schedule with their locker assignment and combination printed upon entry to SHS on their first assigned day of school.
In order to streamline counseling requests and limit the number of people entering our building, any student or family with a Counseling Department question should submit their inquiry via a Google Form. Mr. Ledlow will follow up with counseling inquiries submitted through the SHS Counseling Request Form. The request form is accessible by clicking here.
We have done a quick amount of work in a short amount of time in getting student schedules completed. Thank you for your continued support of the dedicated professionals working for your child under these unusual circumstances.
On behalf of our school community, we look forward to a great start to the school year. Please continue to review your email account for additional updates and introductions to the new school year.
Go Eagles!
Working for each student, everyday,
Matthew J. Dailey, Principal
You may view this letter by clicking here.