Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Dear SHS Families and Students,
What would December be without crisp Winter weather, a bit of snowfall, and final exams? As we near the end of our First Trimester, we want to share our final exam schedule with you since our day deviates from our regular release time.
Final exams are an important opportunity for all students to demonstrate their learning from the first trimester. As your child’s performance is linked to specific skill and content standards, final exams place a capstone experience and allow our staff to tailor instruction in our Second Trimester appropriately. Therefore, all students are expected to take their final exams on their scheduled day, unless a conflict exists with an off-campus course or have a pre-excused absence as approved by the Principal.
In order to accommodate exam periods, we have adjusted our schedule. For each exam day listed below, students have two exams per day with their first exam beginning at 8:00 A.M. and concluding at 9:50 A.M. with their second exam beginning at 10:10 A.M. and ending at noon. Students will have a fifteen minute break between each exam period. In an effort not to interrupt the testing environment, students will not be permitted to leave an exam period early should they finish their exam prior to the end of their scheduled time. Students may use extra time during their exam periods to review for upcoming exams. With our early dismissal time, transportation will not be provided for High School students on exam days. Please review our exam schedule below:
Tuesday, December 17, 2019: 1st and 2nd Period Exams
Wednesday, December 18, 2019: 3rd and 4th Period Exams
Thursday, December 19, 2019: 5th and 6th Period Exams
Students do not need to report to school on Friday, December 20, 2019 as this is Records Day for all High School Teaching staff.
If you have any questions regarding this schedule, do not hesitate to contact the High School Main Office at (269) 488-7350.
Happy holidays,
Matthew J. Dailey, Principal