Middle School football starts Monday, August 20th at 3:00 PM. Meet at the Middle School Boys Locker Room. Students need a physical, and cleats.
Schoolcraft Community Schools was gifted, and is now selling, a lot for a home in Schoolcraft, Michigan. The address is 11971 Heron Street, Schoolcraft, Michigan. This is a lot in the Prairie Edge Estates development and is priced at $32,000. Anyone interested can call the superintendent, Dr. Rusty Stitt at 269-929-1297.
Ipads and Chromebooks (grade 5-12) will be available on Tuesday, August 28 from 6-8 p.m. All forms are listed on the technology page: http://schoolcraftmi.apptegy.us/o/scs/page/technology--157
Read the 2018 Welcome letter on the page for more info.
New to Schoolcraft Community Schools or recently moved? Visit http://www.schoolcraftschools.org/transportation--187 and fill out the transportation request form on the right to update our offices for the 2018/19 school year!
Save the date... 8/28/18! 5-6 pm you can visit your EL
& MS classrooms. 6-8 is the community open house at the football field!
An amazing anonymous donor just gave $5000 toward this fundraiser! Dr. Stitt is just a couple donations away from being committed to his 50 miles in one day! bit.ly/SCFoundationFund
FINAL D3 Baseball Semi: Gabriel Richard 5 Schoolcraft 2. Eagles finish at 22-13, getting to semi for 2nd straight year.
We are proud of you!
The varsity baseball game for today has been moved to Stevensville Lakehore High School. Game time is 1:00 PM.
We will be finishing up with the bleacher work this afternoon and not needing to work at all on Saturday or Sunday. Thank you to all who helped.
The final bleacher load at Portage has been pushed back to sometime after 3. Thanks for everyone's help. The project is going much faster then expected.
If anyone is available at 5:00pm to load bleacher planks we are in need of volunteers to help load trucks. Please meet at Portage Central Football Field!
Congrats Seniors! Check out their billboard heading south in 131!
Work is progressing with the bleachers. Thanks to all those who are helping!
Grilling up an amazing lunch for our Elementary!
2nd grade students at SCS set Butterflies free after exploring their life cyle in the classroom netted butterfly habitat #butterflies
Excitement abounds as the 141st Commencement nears!
Sending our positive thoughts to the tennis team as they are getting ready to play thr state tournament at Novi!
You may be noticing some changes to our Website as well as our Facebook & Twitter accounts! As we strive to always improve communication please don't forget to grab our app on your App Store as well!
Students learned so much at their career fair today! Thank you so much to all of our volunteers!
Congratulations to the Preschool graduating class of 2018!